

Exciting News!! 

We are happy to announce two new Opportunities for both Educators and Students – the Stories with STEAM Short Film Competition and a chance to Beta test STEAM Trek 1.2 both for a chance at prizes! 

Also be sure to check out our newest edition of the STEAM Trek Gazette – read on for more details!

Stories with STEAM Short Film Competition-
Extended Film Submission deadline to 2/14 and Cash prize amounts announced!

We are excited to announce the Stories with STEAM Short Film Competition!

Whether you are a seasoned or budding filmmaker, a student with a passion for something STEAM-related, an educator who would like to try a creative way to teach a topic, and/or someone who has never tried to make a film before but would like to give it a whirl – consider making a film for this competition!  More details here.

STEAM Trek 1.2 In Progress!

Would you like to be a part of our STEAM Trek Building Project Team by getting a sneak peek at and beta testing our new STEAM Trek 1.2 with your students for the chance to win prizes?  Learn more here about how here and in the Opportunity section of our new Nov Dec edition of the STEAM Trek Gazette.

STEAM Trek Gazette – Read all about it!

Be sure to keep up with News from around our STEAM Trek community – including about our wonderful collaborators in the new Nov Dec edition of the STEAM Trek Gazette from editor Zorayah Jackson!

Come visit, learn about, and play the web based educational game STEAM Trek – The West Virginia Virtual STEM and the Arts Festival to explore many great resources, opportunities, and support material available to learners of all ages and educators inside and outside of the classroom shared from a number of great organizations around West Virginia and beyond!  To get started, click on the stamp below or visit our informational page here.




Small Town Universe: Collaboration with Rescued Media

We are excited to partner with Rescued Media and the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission’s Science Technology and Research (STaR) Division to host screenings of the new documentary Small Town Universe in Appalachia!

Learn More




Reaching for the Stars: The West Virginia STEM and the Arts Film Festival 

…celebrating communities connected through challenge, creativity, ingenuity, perseverance, and the strive for excellence

Learn More


Educational Programs  

… developing creative STEM and the Arts educational kits, curricula, and supporting materials to be distributed to classrooms, organizations, and individuals interested in exciting new learning experiences   Learn More



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Our Mission

Our mission is to create, support, and share unique learning opportunities and experiences that connect Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and The Arts in an accessible way, helping each of us to deepen our understanding of the universe around us and compassion for each other.  We believe deeply in the value of service and working together with our community partners to lift each other up to create a bright, sustainable, diverse, and equitable future.  Our work aims to encourage learners to find their passions and chart their paths, because together – our passions and paths can change the world.